Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to present a very real and unique opportunity to change the lives of others for the better and make a difference by  spreading kindness on a large scale. We are excited to present our plans for our SMAKenger Hunt, and with the help of your valued contribution we are aiming to SMAK 1000 people with $5 gift cards. Meeting this goal is vitally important to bring about these beneficial results of spreading kindness and therefore we are asking for much-needed help.

Why Sponsor?

Our community is facing a lack of kindness. Now, more than ever, it is evident that we have lost touch with each other and it is imperative that we restore faith in humanity. We endeavor to continue hosting events that focus on spreading kindness intentionally on a large scale, and with your partnership we can make this happen.

Sponsorships can be made by:

  1. Financial contributions of any amount.
  2. Purchasing gift cards of your choice that we will distribute.
  3. Donate merchandise, gift cards, or coupons from your business.($5 for each coupon or gift card.)

SMall Acts of Kindness is a social impact organization. Becoming a sponsor can be a great way to improve the lives of others. By supporting a cause or organization, you can help make a positive impact in your community or around the world.

Small acts of kindness can have a big impact on someone's day and can make them feel valued and appreciated. They also promote a sense of community and encourage others to pay it forward. Supporting small acts of kindness can lead to a happier and more connected society.

SMAKenger Hunt 

This is like a traditional scavenger hunt with our own special twist. Each participant will receive clues leading to various locations to "SMAK" or to show a (SMall Act of Kindness) to someone. Coupons/gift cards for groceries, free coffee, haircuts, and car washes will be provided as your "SMAK". Grab your friends, family, and coworkers to create your team! This event is FREE!!